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Tuesday 9 December 2008

Critical reflection of the RSA project

Starting a project could never be easy since I had so many ideas from several brief, but eventually I finally chose one, which was the bicycle theft as this was appealing to me from my own experiences. I mapped out a Spider diagram with the essential points that are needed in the project, I.e. who I could contact which organisation there are, because I know many people who cycle to work and other places I got a chance to ask them where I could get any information from, they gave me some contact which was really helpful for the later stages of my project (although I faced several rejection, giving up isn’t an option for me, so I carried on calling up organisation and recording there voices on the addicter phone) In particular the London cycling campaign became a useful resource for me, I travelled to London cycling campaign located in Bermondsey so I could get a chance to see what they are doing in reality. Although I didn’t get a chance to talk to them properly at least they could provide me with any leaflets and contact details I could talk to. As the day was so short I then went to photograph any bicycle storages and facilities around London and potentially use the photographs for my designs at a later stages.

As I settle down with the brief my ideas became very optimistic there were so many ideas I could design like several posters a website or even start my own campaign. I was so confuse as to think how could i do this project, my brain began twitching constantly but is it true when the tutor said if your brain is confuse that means your brain has started to function. In the early hours of the morning I thought of a solution (Yessssss!) Which, was to design a bicycle zone. I then had several tutorials about the bicycle zone and from then on my project was back on track.

Naming and designing the logo was the starting point, a logo design is for immediate reorganisation so I wanted to base my logo on the use of name, colours and patterns. So I came up with several names and eventually I had to choose one name that everybody in the class agrees on. Bicycle watch was the appropriate name for the logo and I chose rectangle panels as part of the design for the logo. I then realise where I could put my logo in the real ideal world, so I looked at bicycle parking and storages I.e. lockers, shed, racks and shelters the logo could be place on all the storages and branded with my logo so it becomes a bicycle zone. There was still an element missing from the design, it didn’t look appealing enough to the public so I thought of using the panels from my logo and place them onto the floor at bicycle facilities, so it will stand out in front of the publics view. I wanted the logo to become an iconic image rather than just the logo, so hopefully when you watch this logo the key elements u will remember will be the yellow and red colours, the bicycle and its wheels, which are formed as a “C” and the panels. (Public recognises the “IBM” logo as having lines going through it or the Mc Donald logo is just an yellow “M”). The Neighbourhood watch gave me a big influence for me to carry on with the project.

I looked at many areas in London for the bicycle storages and realise that all bicycle storages isn’t branded and often blended in with other public facilities (e.g. benches floors and wall). The bicycle watch concept I came up with will defiantly catch publics attention like the red panels will be placed on the floor with my logo branded on the facilities and then it becomes a zone, this will improve the cycling parking. The sticker I design does play a important role in securing bicycle without being taken away from its owner because these stickers are placed on bicycle which clearly reads “tracking device is installed” this will discourage thieves from stealing bicycle. I showed the concepts to my next door neighbour as he is a freelance product designer, we discuss about my design and I ask him for his honest opinion about the design concept, he said that this will actually work and importantly its something new to him as he has never seen it before. I also ask my friends who frequently ride bicycles and furious the amount of times there parts or bicycle get stolen and they said if this does exist they will give the bicycle watch a try.

The constructive self -criticism is.......

• I need to show my ideas and design to my friends in the class as they could provide me with essential points, also this could form a class discussion that will help me successes my project at a greater depth.

• I should take into account on the critisim I get from the tutors and friends. Don’t just ignore them.

I am a designer I will need to get my ideas across to the public, so don’t be shy of showing my work on the webblog.

• There are always information out there that will defiantly help me, don’t be petrified to try, as you will never know what the result could be.

There is no such thing as completing a job without facing any problematic for me, but I must say I have improved on managing my time dramatically and where to find my research at certain destination. I hope my brain will start to twitch more often, since it has solved many circumstances for this brief.

posted by Simon Genesis


Monday 8 December 2008

RSA Design against bicycle thefts boards
Consist of 4 A3 mount boards

posted by Simon Genesis


Monday 24 November 2008

Identifying the bicycle watch zone

Bicycle watch sticker

Cycle users could place this sticker anywhere on their bicycle so thieves will be aware that people are on the lookout for this property. The words "Tracking device installed" will discourage thieves from stealing the bicycle. (Just like the neighbourhood watch stickers)

Logo Design

The colour i used here hasn't been established by any organisation yet. I cannot think of any companies which uses these colours also it doesn't resemblance any other logo. Hopefully the public will recognise this logo.

Final Logo


Development ideas

This is the design how i want my logo to look like but i am not too sure of the colours as i ask my friends aka designers of their opinion..........

response was they like the logo but the colour reminded them of a post office so i change it and reverse the colours i.e yellow on red

I tried 2 colours for the bicycle, blue tone, fading blue tone and strictly yellow plus the logo looks visually busy and congested. Time to narrow it down and clear some space

Initial ideas

These are the initial ideas i came up with i do think it works well but not for the bicycle watch though. It is more suitable for a pixel/photography organisation

I personally like this logo alot but however it looks to much like a Big brother logo. The reason why i design it like this is because i wanted to scare bicycle thieves of with this particular logo because it looks like they are constantly being watch.

My first initial ideas of the logo, at the time my ideas where very broad and the logo could be anything, look at the difference between now and the final logo a massive change of the timeline for the logo.

I now design some ideas on what my logo could end up looking like

But the most significant one and the chosen one was bicycle watch, similar to neighbourhood watch.

As i am doing a bicycle zone i wanted to think of a name and a logo design. I thought of many names and listed them all out

  • Bicycle spy
  • Bicycle territory
  • Bicycle dog
  • Bicycle zone
  • Security bikes
  • Bicycle watch
  • eyes lock
  • bike eyes
  • bike observed
  • eye cycle
  • bicyclei
  • bicycle house
  • bicycle shed
  • bicycle guard
  • bicycle shelter

posted by Simon Genesis


Tuesday 18 November 2008

RSA Project (Development)

I need to understand the brief more as during the start of the brief given i was puzzle on what to do and what my outcome would be. I assumed i had to design a product but then failed to realise that this wasn't my job for it. I am a designer so therefore i am going to do the service aspect of promoting cycling and attempt to cut down the rate of bicycle thefts.

I have spent two weeks of researching on about bicycle theft and realise that i have broaden my hunting to various websites. I had to minimise and limit it to only a few paths that i will take and research more upon it. Since the help with some of the organisation i have now come to a stage of designing a Sticker alert placed on bicycle and also a potential and a recognise bike zone. So first of all i have drawn rough sketches of how i could design my stickers like which elements am i going to use for the stickers, it could be a power slogan or to just use the logo so public could recognise my bicycle watch zone. I need to come up with some names for my bicycle zone which people could relate to this and recognise that there is this particular service for them. At this present i thought of names that i could call my bicycle zone which is stated in my sketchbook and on my blog.

I use a sketchbook so i could put all my research and ideas, sketches, development ideas and etc inside rather then leaving all the paper materials miss placed.

Key points on the RSA brief i picked out the key points and placed it into my sketchbook

Researching about the health issue of cycling. Why are there more and more people choose to ride bicycle?

ideas of designing the stickers

More sketches and ideas

thinking of slogans and images for the slogan

Logo sketches of the bicycle watch logo

posted by Simon Genesis


Monday 17 November 2008

Brief outline of design against bicycle theft

Outline and objectives

Is to design a service for anti-theft schemes to promote cycling.

What my concepts will do and promote

Cyclist are not to leave their bicycles at a vulnerable place’s so by creating a bicycle zone they will feel less threaten of bicycles being stolen away from them (a good example is neighbourhood watch with their stickers)

The target audience

Encourage cyclist to use bicycle zone storages i.e. lockers, stands, shed and shelters. My poster will advertise bicycle zone storages that are available for them.

How i want the target audience to react

Public need to look stop and think that this crime is increasing rapidly and not to leave their bicycle to be easily stolen

The design elements

Stickers of my bicycle zone logo, bicycle zone name, bicycle zone poster, blue contrast and yellow contrast are used for the bicycle zone.

The visual style - personality and tone of voice

My design will be easily seen with the use of my colour code and my stickers will be address at all bicycle properties (stands, lockers shed and storage)

Schedule to meet deadlines

• Nov 09 - Research and meeting with organisation about bicycle crime.
• Nov 13th - Sketches and initial ideas are being process for the poster, sticker and bicycle zone.
• Nov 19th - Development ideas on my 3 different type of designs.
• Nov 30th - Finalise my designs ready for print .
• December 1st - Process of printing and check everything is in order and mounted on A3 boards.
• December 4th – Send off Bye! Bye!


(102 words) Initial outline of design against bicycle theft

The objective of this project is to design a service for anti-theft schemes to promote cycling. My concept will be to design a visually clear instructed poster and a bike zone where public could secure their bicycle in a specific area. (Hypothetically my work could be shown on an electronic billboard at all tube stations and public places). My target audience is aimed at bicycle users are not to leave their bicycles at a vulnerable place’s so by creating a bicycle zone they will feel less threaten of bicycles being stolen away from them (a good example is neighbourhood watch with their stickers). I need to mark my territory and make sure the bicycle zone is recognisable.
I need my audiences to understand my message so they need to look stop and think. Design elements will be security locks, bike shed and the use of bright colours. Clear instruction with a strong slogan associated with the style of the design. Don't spend massive amount of time researching, allow enough time for the creative process and Importantly I need to leave the last one week and a half for my printing process just in case if I come across any difficult situation.

posted by Simon Genesis


Spider Diagram

When i start a new brief i often draw up a spider diagram to show a map out of my working progress...

posted by Simon Genesis


Monday 27 October 2008

Simon says.............
Its easy peacy No sweat!!!!

contacting the 0rganisations
My Journey

They are a registered charity whose mission is to make London a world-class cycling city.
  • To improve the quality of life in London by increasing cycling.
  • To involve people from all London’s communities in cycling.
  • To bring about the best possible services for people who want to cycle in London.
  • To be at the forefront of research and policy linking cycling to wider issues.

First thing first...... I research on the organisation that is associate with bicycle theft and found that LCC (yep that's right LCC not London college of communication but London cycling campaign) is the biggest organisation that deals with bicycle issues in London, whether if its a safe cycle route to a bicycle security. I looked on there website for the address so i could pay them a visit anomalously and nick some of there leaflets or other essential handouts which will benefit me with the project.

London Cycling Campaign is situated at Bermondsey station
I took the underground and then a bus to its place and found out it was behind several buildings and this stage there were no signs and indication on which building was which, but luckily i ask a few people who were smoking outside the building where LCC was. They pointed at me in a specific direction, but then again stupidly i should of known because of all there bicycle were locked up against the Raleigh. I stated on the postick notes to remind myself on what i have done. (just like a dairy)

  • Today my target is to go to LCC with my questionnaire and ask them the questions although i haven't made an appointment but at least i know for a fact i get to see what there building is like and how many people it consist working at this place. I do hope they have enough time for me
  • I am now outside there building i notice they have several bicycle surrounded and locked up to the Raleigh's. I suppose these are the staffs bicycles. I will take photograph for my own reference plus to see how they lock up there bikes as they have more knowledge upon it.
  • I notice this building is not specifically for the LCC group as i can see on the buzzer several different companies. I now press the buzzer asking if i could collect some leaflets, hypothetically if i ask to question them with my questionnaire they may not let me in which means my journey will end here and i will go home empty handed.
  • OK! i am now inside the building and hopefully i could introduce myself. It seems so quite here everyone inside the room are tapping away on there desktops and I'm standing. Finally a lady approaches me asking what i could do for her. I explained what i am doing and why i need her assistant.
  • Damn it! Looks like i came at the wrong time as she says her and the staff haven't got enough time as they are working on a major campaign, but she told me to send my questions to her via email and she will be happy to answer them.
  • I ask her if she has any leaflet which she could provide me that will help me with my work and she gave me essential and vital leaflets which will help me bring ideas together for the work. I still refuse to go and quickly ask her a few question i tried to record the conversation but at this stage my hand was filled with leaflets.
  • On the way out i see a booklet which will be handy to me i assumed it was free so i took it with me, but as the door closes behind me and I'm outside in the light it had a price tag. Oh well! TIME TO GO..........

The building which partly belongs to London cycling campaign. It seems to me a building full of offices i didn't expect a charity organisation to look like this. Below the building there is a buzzer as you can see it consist of several companies inside this building and LCC is one of them.

I brought my 35 mm camera with me so i could take photograph's for my own reference and use it for my work as part of the research and ideas. As you can see the building is surrounded with Raleigh's, therefore the bicycle are locked onto them I'm pretty sure majority of these bicycles belongs to the LCC staffs.


contacting the 0rganisations
My Journey


Evans is the largest bicycle retailer situated around everywhere in the U.K. I called up Evans cycles based in east London (Canary Wharf) and gather information which will be relevant to me.

I telephone Evans cycles to find out more about the locking devices
(below is the phone conversation click on the right hand corner to enlarge)

Evans Cycle Conversation

I spoke to a staff from evans cycles called Bill and he was straightforward, temperamental and with a Northern accent (probably in his 50's) on how London has increasing becoming a major crime on bicycle theft. I wanted to record his voice when I started the Interrogation but he prefer not to be recorded so I wrote word-by-word on what he said about the present days of bicycle theft.

During the outcome of the conversation Bill didn't provide me with essential information so i took a trip down to Canary Wharf and browse around the Evans cycles store. I Collected as much resources and leaflets i.e differentiate locks, types of bicycles and its component and accessories that may help me within the project and hopefully it will ring out some ideas for me.


posted by Simon Genesis